Our team

Our team is at your disposal to help you with your working at height safety projects and approaches.

• Our audit experts and consultants: “the spirit of commitment” involved in European standardisation work, they put their knowledge at the service of working at height safety issues.

• Our sales engineers: “solution activators” locally based, close to our customers, experienced in analysing the situation, their mission is to develop the solution to meet their specific needs. This solution should reduce any constraints on the worker at height so as not to impair the effectiveness of their work.

• Our technical and manufacturing team: “the heart of our Design Office” our engineers refine the design and manufacturing process of our products to ensure their reliability. As such, although part of the production process is automated, we have qualified personnel to carry out certain operations (welding, for example).

• Our installation team: “any field” trained in interventions on chemical, nuclear and electrical sites, our team of installers, employees of the company, ensure the quality of implementation of our solutions. Our team works anywhere in France.

• Our Control and maintenance officials: “be vigilant” is our team's mission. Their pragmatism and daily experience in the field provides the customer with more than just theory.

• Our trainers: “practitioners”, the role of our team of trainers is to advise and improve the theoretical and practical knowledge needed for working at height of managers, contract givers, operators and contractors. Our team relies on the guidelines drawn up by our company and on its own field experience. They are practitioners and control as many situations as the working at height standards and regulations.

To obtain optimum control of the risks related to working at height, we integrate, with our team, all the skills needed to ensure the quality of our solutions and their implementation under quality procedure ISO 9001.